We are who we insure

    • Cortland, New York Office
      Address:  67 Main St
      PO Box 5670
      Cortland, NY 13045
      Phone:  800.822.3747
      Fax:607.756.5051 (Underwriting)
      Fax:607.756.5967 (Claims Services)
      Denver, Colorado Office
      Address:  1331 17th Street
      Suite 810
      Denver, CO 80202
      Phone:  800.822.3747
      Fax:607.756.5051 (Underwriting)
  • Risk Management

    McNeil & Company 4:31 pm

    RISK is defined as the possibility of suffering harm or loss or a danger.  Every organization which performs similar jobs face similar risks.  And yet, some organizations can be accident free for years, while for others, poor outcomes seem to be unfortunate regular occurrences.

    At McNeil & Co., we are committed to the reduction of loss through innovative loss  control measures which include risk assessment, risk management, training and education.

    Our home office risk management staff is made up of people with extensive backgrounds in risk management and loss reduction services.  In addition, they have hands-on expertise involving fire protection and suppression, emergency medical services and municipality management.

    The field staff includes people with similar qualifications and knowledge. They are very cognizant of issues of local significance since many of them are intimately involved in these matters in their local areas.

    The McNeil Risk Management Department believes that our services bring value to clients reducing loss occurrence and associated costs.  Working in partnership with our clients, we identify loss exposures and develop the most effective measures to control these exposures.  In meeting this goal, we are committed to these proven principles of risk management:

    • Provide services to our clients by utilizing the most professional loss control representatives who have the expertise in operations similar to that of our clients.
    • Take a proactive role in evaluating and controlling client loss exposure.
    • Provide training and other vital information to meet the client’s loss control needs.
    • Provide a distribution network so that all clients can avail themselves of the finest services and training obtainable.

    Be sure to check out our Risk Management Resources for items like Safety Posters and SOP’s and our E-Learning site for online training available 24/7.

    To request additional training or services, please contact our Loss Control Department.

  • E-Learning


    E-Learning Copy

    Our E-Learning platform is available 24/7 to meet the needs of the student. These online courses are offered free of charge to our insureds. Additional classes are being developed on a regular basis, so check back often to see new opportunities.
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  • Our Programs


    Our Programs

    We offer some of the most comprehensive insurance coverages in the industry. Let us propose a customized insurance package for your organization.
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    Have questions about your policy, want more info on our programs or need to be put in touch with a local agent? Contact us today and we'll be glad to assist you!
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    67 Main St
    Cortland, NY13045