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    Facebook Live Training: Emergency Action Plans

    McNeil & Company 9:17 am

    Emergency Action Plans: How you handle an emergency can mean the difference between an inconvenience and a catastrophe. Whether talking about a family or an organization, it is essential that you have an emergency action plan in place to ensure …

    New E-Learning Courses Available

    McNeil & Company 3:08 pm

    McNeil & Co. is happy to announce several new courses that are now available to our ESIP and ASIP clients on the E-Learning System: ESIP: Fire Extinguishers for Firefighters: This new fun and interactive course reviews fire extinguishers from a firefighter’s …

    Facebook Live Training: Heat Safety

    McNeil & Company 4:25 pm

    Whether you work outdoors or are enjoying the warm weather with family and friends, heat safety is essential. This summer has been one of the hottest in history, and the month of August is no exception! Heat is one of …

    McNeil & Co EMS Continuing Education Accreditation

    McNeil & Company 12:15 pm

    EMS Continuing Education Goes Live! McNeil & Co is proud to announce our organizational accreditation for EMS continuing education. At this time, we have automatic approval in 47 states through the Commission on Accreditation for Pre-Hospital Continuing Education Program (CAPCE), …

    Do You Really Know Your Employees?

    McNeil & Company 3:03 pm

    Background Checks are essential in assuring you hire the best people for your organization. By: Katie Niver, Risk Management Program Resource Specialist Have you ever heard the saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover?” Look around you; how well …

    McNeil Minute: Overlooked Fire Safety

    McNeil & Company 12:39 pm

    You probably know that a smoke alarm is a great safety investment for your organization, but what’s the next step in fire protection? Fire extinguishers can be a small, but important, part of a safety plan for any organization. They can …

    McNeil Minute – Emergency Action Plans

    McNeil & Company 10:24 am

    An emergency is an unplanned event that is immediately dangerous to life, property or health. How you handle an emergency can mean the difference between an inconvenience and a catastrophe. By having a well-written, updated and communicated emergency action plan, you …

    Ebola… The Basics

    McNeil & Company 9:44 am

    It is important to understand that this is an evolving situation and there is a need to stay informed…

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    Our E-Learning platform is available 24/7 to meet the needs of the student. These online courses are offered free of charge to our insureds. Additional classes are being developed on a regular basis, so check back often to see new opportunities.
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    Cortland, NY13045