• Cortland, New York Office
      Address:  67 Main St
      PO Box 5670
      Cortland, NY 13045
      Phone:  800.822.3747
      Fax:607.756.5051 (Underwriting)
      Fax:607.756.5967 (Claims Services)
      Denver, Colorado Office
      Address:  1331 17th Street
      Suite 810
      Denver, CO 80202
      Phone:  800.822.3747
      Fax:607.756.5051 (Underwriting)
  • Services

    McNeil & Company 5:12 pm

    FireWatch offers valuable  risk management tools and support to help you protect your people, your assets and your business. Our risk management experts can provide information and proven support for the unique liability exposures associated with your specialty business.

    In addition to the fine insurance coverages afforded in the FireWatch Program, an added value is the unique risk management services that go along with the program. These risk management enhancements are specifically designed for your industry and the problems faced by management everyday.

    Allow FireWatch to become an integral part of your safety and property conservation program. For further information or to order any of the items, please call our toll free number 800.822.3747 Ext. 176.

    Loss Control Surveys
    Speakers Bureau
    Sample Driver Selection Policy
    Accident Report Forms
    Vehicle Maintenance Forms
    Driver Assessments
    Vehicle Condition Report
    Job Site Safety Form
    Safety Policy Review

    A trained loss control field representative will visit your locations, including jobsites, and provide your company with expert risk management suggestions to reduce the likelihood of accidents and injuries, improve fire protection, and assist in making your company less likely to be prone to legal actions.

    If your company is hosting a major industry conference and you are looking for a speaker on safety, FireWatch may be able to provide your organization with speakers covering a variety of subjects.

    After a company has reviewed the driving records of their employees, it becomes difficult to decide who should be removed from driving duties as a result of a poor record. Through our vast risk management experience, we here at FireWatch, have identified characteristics of drivers who tend to be more at risk for potential accidents. In order to judge every driver equally, your company may choose to set a policy regarding how to evaluate each driver’s record. This sample policy will assist in that task. We encourage you to use it in full, or change it to suit your particular company.

    Proper documentation after an accident can mean a great deal in reducing future legal actions. FireWatch will provide accident report guides for each of your vehicles so you can be ready in case of an accident. You can be certain that proper and adequate information will be obtained at the scene of an accident, curtailing your employee’s future downtime to reconstruct the facts.

    Proper vehicle maintenance has proven to greatly reduce the chances of accidents. These folders, kept for each vehicle, will easily indicate the service record of each. Receipts and other records may be stored in the folder. At a quick glance, you will be able to tell when service is needed which will not only reduce accidents, but prolong the life of the vehicle thus saving money.

    After an accident has occurred is not the time to find out your driver has a long list of violations, or a suspended or revoked license. The negative publicity could be devastating to your organization. ESIP will obtain motor vehicle reports on all of your drivers and complete an audit of them indicating the drivers who have a history of violations or accidents. If any trends are noted, training in a specific driving area may be recommended.

    This form is to be completed by the operator of each company owned vehicle upon completion of use. The form quickly indicates any problems that should receive attention prior to the next use. The use of this form will accommodate safe and efficient use of all vehicles.

    Are your workers operating in a safe environment at the jobsite? Are there hazards present which may impede them from completing the job in a timely and efficient manner? This form will assist you in assessing problems that could cost your workers injuries and your company money. It covers the areas which typically cause accidents and downtime such as housekeeping, materials handling, welding & cutting, tool usage and excavations.

    Many times, sound safety policies can mean the difference between a job well done and a catastrophic event that could have a lasting impact on profitability. Writing such policies could prove to be a monumental task and when completed you may not know if they will accomplish their goals.

    As a FireWatch client, you do not have to “go it alone.” The FireWatch Loss Control Department has the expertise to provide a complete review of your safety policies and advise where problems may occur and how to best change them.

  • E-Learning


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    Our E-Learning platform is available 24/7 to meet the needs of the student. These online courses are offered free of charge to our insureds. Additional classes are being developed on a regular basis, so check back often to see new opportunities.
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  • Our Programs


    Our Programs

    We offer some of the most comprehensive insurance coverages in the industry. Let us propose a customized insurance package for your organization.
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    Have questions about your policy, want more info on our programs or need to be put in touch with a local agent? Contact us today and we'll be glad to assist you!
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    67 Main St
    Cortland, NY13045