• Cortland, New York Office
      Address:  67 Main St
      PO Box 5670
      Cortland, NY 13045
      Phone:  800.822.3747
      Fax:607.756.5051 (Underwriting)
      Fax:607.756.5967 (Claims Services)
      Denver, Colorado Office
      Address:  1331 17th Street
      Suite 810
      Denver, CO 80202
      Phone:  800.822.3747
      Fax:607.756.5051 (Underwriting)
  • Services

    McNeil & Company 5:06 pm

    ASIP provides special programs unequaled by other providers, extending our client services well beyond insurance coverage. A perfect example is our proactive approach to risk management.

    Our experts can research the driving records of potential emergency vehicle operators and set up driver training programs customized to fit your individual work environments. We also offer a wide range of videos and printed safety materials that are the best in the business, designed to make an impact on how your employees perform their jobs.

    The Risk Management Department at McNeil & Co. is dedicated to providing the finest client support services available. We are constantly updating and developing our products to ensure the most up to date information for our clients.

    If you would like any of these services or have any questions, call our Risk Management Department directly at 800.822.3747 Ext. 176.

    Employement Practice Liability Hotline
    Safety Posters
    Driver Assessments (Motor Vehicle Report Analysis)
    On-site Safety Audits
    Vehicle Accident Claims Guides
    Incident Command Cards and Haz-Mat Pocket Index Guides
    Roof Inspection Checklist
    Sample Sexual Harassment Policy
    Sample Driver Selection Policy
    Station Self-Inspection Form
    Vehicle Accident Worksheet
    Slip and Fall Checklist
    Saftety Committee Meeting Template
    Newsletter Articles

    ASIP’s Employment  Practice Liability Hotline is designed to assist in making decisions regarding personnel issues. If you or your organization has questions regarding personnel issues such as sexual harassment, discrimination, suspension, or termination, you may call our toll free number 800.822.3747 ext. 176 and an attorney will return your call within two business days.  You will receive the advice you need regarding legal concerns before you take action.

    ASIP has a wide variety of safety posters that address topics important to the ambulance service industry. Visual reminders of effective practices such as report writing, backing of ambulances, driving, and blood borne pathogens will remind all personnel of the importance of safety. Safety posters may be ordered and are also available for download in our resources section.

    After an accident has occurred is not the time to find out your driver has a long list of violations, or a suspended or revoked license. The negative publicity could be devastating to your organization. ASIP will obtain motor vehicle reports on all of your drivers and complete an audit of them indicating the drivers who have a history of violations and/or accidents. If any trends are noted, training in a specific driving area may be recommended.

    As part of your insurance package, ASIP will send a trained risk management representative to your facility to survey various areas of operation including station safety, fire prevention, driving procedures, safety guidelines, alcohol management, and other operational procedures that may impact risk management.  Following the visit, you will receive a detailed report suggesting areas of improvement to reduce risk and ensure safety within your organization.  By utilizing the experience that we have gained from working with organizations just like yours around the country and the expertise of our risk management safety team, we are able to provide recommendations specific to your organization.

    ASIP has developed this kit which contains explicit instructions of what to do at the scene, in the event of a vehicle accident. It also includes a form that leads the employee step by step to gather the information necessary to properly handle the resulting claim. The kit comes in an envelope big enough to hold insurance identification cards and other pertinent vehicle paperwork.

    These plastic, pocket-sized cards are designed to provide important haz-mat information, literally at the ambulance service worker’s fingertips. They are waterproof and indicate the D.O.T. hazard designations for health, flammability, and reactivity.

    In addition, the Haz-Mat Pocket Index Guide is available for download as a smartphone app!
    Haz-Mat Pocket Index Guide for Android
    Haz-Mat Pocket Index Guide for iOS

    A damaged roof could result in a devastating loss to your operations. Water leakage could damage your equipment as well as personal property of your employees, not to mention the possibility of a fire. In the most severe conditions, partial or total collapse could affect your services and profitability. That is why periodic self-inspections of the roof are so important.

    ASIP has developed a form to assist you in identifying signs of potential roof problems. This simple checklist covers items such as roof covering, drains, and roof mounted equipment. Completing this checklist on a regular basis could prevent both minor and devastating losses caused by otherwise unnoticed roof problems.

    ASIP can provide your company with a sample sexual harassment policy, which meets existing laws and standards. In addition to the policy, there is also an investigative checklist that should be used when addressing any sexual harassment or discrimination complaints.

    After a company has reviewed the driving records of their employees, it becomes difficult to decide who should be removed from driving duties as a result of a poor record. Through our vast ambulance services experience, ASIP has identified characteristics of drivers who tend to be more at risk for potential accidents. In order to judge every driver equally, your organization may choose to set a policy regarding how to evaluate each driver’s record. This sample policy will assist in that task. We encourage you to use it in full, or change it to suit your particular company.

    We at ASIP feel strongly that every ambulance organization should have clear, concise policies, covering a variety of subjects in order to perform duties in the finest means possible. We also have the opinion that no one knows your organization better than you do; therefore we have developed guidelines around which you may write your own policies. These guidelines include Emergency Vehicle Driving, Accident Reviews, Health and Safety Program, and Statement of Policy for Safety and others. These guidelines are continually updated to coincide with changes in OSHA, NFPA, and other organizations impacting ambulance services. Sample policies are available for download in our resources section.

    Discovering a hazard before it becomes an accident should be the goal of everyone. This checklist is designed for use on a regular basis by your designated safety officer or manager. It points out the potential hazardous areas in a typical emergency service organization building as well as the surrounding grounds.

    Determining the cause of a vehicle accident is a difficult task, whether the investigator(s) know the persons involved or not.  ASIP has developed a worksheet which may be completed without bias or emotion to provide a truly unbiased determination as to what happened. This is extremely important to prevent recurrence of the incident, or a similar one.

    Slips, trips and falls around your ambulance service building happen for a number of reasons; weather conditions, cracked or uneven surfaces, poor lighting, obstructed passageways, etc. Such falls could injure your members and may result in lost individual membership, claims reporting and increased worker compensation costs. If the person falling is not a member, it could result in a lawsuit against the organization. This checklist may be used to regularly inspect areas prone to such incidents in an effort to reduce the chances of someone slipping, tripping, or falling in or around your premises.

    Organization of the safety committee meetings is of utmost importance to see that the duties and functions of that committee are of the highest quality. This template will guide the committee through the task of organizing their meetings and serve as a basis for the meeting minutes. Upon use of the template, all meetings and minutes will be uniform, providing for a more efficient and reliable safety committee, one of the most important tasks in your organization’s health and safety program.

    Does your organization or county organization have a newsletter? Getting articles which will interest readers sometimes becomes a major chore. ASIP can provide you with articles which are relevant, lively, and entertaining to read. Let ASIP assist in putting your next newsletter together. Simply call and we can fax or e-mail an article to you. In addition, you can “Like” our Facebook page to receive notifications of new articles, or check out our newsletter archive.

  • E-Learning


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    Our E-Learning platform is available 24/7 to meet the needs of the student. These online courses are offered free of charge to our insureds. Additional classes are being developed on a regular basis, so check back often to see new opportunities.
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    We offer some of the most comprehensive insurance coverages in the industry. Let us propose a customized insurance package for your organization.
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    67 Main St
    Cortland, NY13045