We are who we insure

    • Cortland, New York Office
      Address:  67 Main St
      PO Box 5670
      Cortland, NY 13045
      Phone:  800.822.3747
      Fax:607.756.5051 (Underwriting)
      Fax:607.756.5967 (Claims Services)
      Denver, Colorado Office
      Address:  1331 17th Street
      Suite 810
      Denver, CO 80202
      Phone:  800.822.3747
      Fax:607.756.5051 (Underwriting)
  • About Us

    McNeil & Company 4:34 pm

    McNeil & Company provides specialized hands-on product design, risk management, underwriting and claims expertise. An integrated, cross-departmental approach enables information to flow freely between marketers, underwriters, risk management staff and claims operations.

    McNeil & Company is very much risk management oriented and employs staff of the highest caliber. Many of our people have hands-on industry experience as well as professional insurance and legal backgrounds which allow us to more effectively relate to the special needs of our clients. The corporate culture at McNeil & Company is cross-functional, enabling the application of one’s expertise and knowledge when and where needed, rather than being constrained by traditional department divisional lines. In an industry where reputation is everything, our company enjoys consistently solid marks when compared to other specialists or general suppliers of insurance.


    McNeil & Company’s marketing philosophy is focused on the creation of long term relationships with our field agents. We look for agencies whose principals are willing to commit to focused lines of business and who want to grow in related market segments. Our approach is to provide support and assistance to these agents in order to promote maximum program growth at each state of the sales cycle.

    Our company is defined neither as a brokerage or traditional company agent. Instead, we seek individual brokers/agents who are prepared to specialize in selling a particular class of business. McNeil & Company currently has several hundred appointed agents who we work closely with and train in specialized insurance issues and coverages, client servicing and risk management areas. Prior to entering a new territory, our company performs an intense due diligence review in order to determine the feasibility of marketing our products in a given region. Once positive indications of potential success are identified, we seek out, talk with and appoint qualified agents to service the new market area.

    Risk Management

    The Risk Management Services Division of McNeil & Company is most unique in an insurance industry crowded with “one size fits all” responses to client needs. We believe that risk management is immensely important to our overall insurance and risk management plan. We’re committed to seeing reductions in loss by developing innovative risk management processes which are tailored to individual client operations, procedures and potential problem areas.

    Specialization allows our professional staff to have insiders knowledge of our client’s loss exposure risks based on where and how they operate. We utilize this knowledge to perform risk assessment and consulting services resulting in sound solution activities without interfering with the organizations goals or missions.

    Risk Management resources include; point of operation safety material, safety literature, special training, education, model policies and guidelines, along with strategic partnering. These materials and services are delivered by a skilled staff of technicians with first-hand knowledge of the clients business resulting in the reduction of losses, accidents, injuries and the attendant associated costs.


    Efficient claims handling and effective risk management measures play a central role in providing quality service to our valuable customers. We provide a toll-free 800 number and operate a 24-hour hotline to assist the insured when they need to file a claim. Expanded authority allows our claims department to resolve a majority of those claims in-house or in conjunction with a third party administrator. Our current staff includes support professionals dedicated to providing the best service in the industry.


    Our Underwriting Department is comprised of a dedicated group of insurance professionals including underwriters, raters, policy analysts and administrative support personnel. Our teams work together to select risks and create the best possible pricing structure, while providing the most comprehensive insurance coverage. McNeil & Company’s goal is to seek out, develop and nurture the growth of solid accounts.

    We work closely with our Risk Management and Claims Department to identify loss exposures that could negatively impact your organization. Our goal is to reduce and eliminate loss trends so we can offer competitive premiums to our clients.

    The Underwriting Department works side by side with our agents and brokers in providing clear answers to coverage questions, addressing coverage gaps and creating effective solutions to problems whenever they occur.

    We take great pride in applying thoroughness in risk analysis, policy quotation, and policy issuance while striving to develop new and more comprehensive coverages for our clients.

  • E-Learning


    E-Learning Copy

    Our E-Learning platform is available 24/7 to meet the needs of the student. These online courses are offered free of charge to our insureds. Additional classes are being developed on a regular basis, so check back often to see new opportunities.
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  • Our Programs


    Our Programs

    We offer some of the most comprehensive insurance coverages in the industry. Let us propose a customized insurance package for your organization.
  • Questions?



    Have questions about your policy, want more info on our programs or need to be put in touch with a local agent? Contact us today and we'll be glad to assist you!
  • Contact Us


    Contact Us



    67 Main St
    Cortland, NY13045