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    • Cortland, New York Office
      Address:  67 Main St
      PO Box 5670
      Cortland, NY 13045
      Phone:  800.822.3747
      Fax:607.756.5051 (Underwriting)
      Fax:607.756.5967 (Claims Services)
      Denver, Colorado Office
      Address:  1331 17th Street
      Suite 810
      Denver, CO 80202
      Phone:  800.822.3747
      Fax:607.756.5051 (Underwriting)
  • Lexipol and McNeil & Co. Announce Partnership to Provide Fire Policies and Training

    Print McNeil & Company 9:16 am

    Lexipol, the leading provider of state-specific policies and training for public safety agencies, and McNeil & Co., a nationwide leader in specialized risk management and insurance programs, are pleased to announce a partnership to offer policy solutions for fire operations. As part of the agreement, Lexipol will offer its Fire Policies and Training solution at a discount to the clients of McNeil & Co.’s Emergency Services Insurance Program (ESIP), which offers some of the most comprehensive insurance coverage in the emergency services industry.

    Developed by industry professionals and public safety attorneys, the Lexipol Fire Policy and Training Manual includes more than 165 policies and 25 procedures for high-risk operations that are continuously updated to meet changes in laws and best practices. The subscription-based service also includes short, scenario-based training bulletins to reinforce policy content and accountability reporting.

    “We are pleased to partner with McNeil & Co.,” said Lexipol CEO Michael Davis. “Our partnership gives Lexipol the opportunity to work collaboratively with an industry leader and provide unparalleled benefits to their clients.” This sentiment was echoed by David Denniston, McNeil & Co. Director of Risk Management: “It is important that we continually offer added value to our insurance clients and programs. Partnering with Lexipol enhances the safety of our clients and the communities they serve and protect.”

    McNeil & Co. clients that take advantage of the partnership will receive the benefits of increased safety along with reduced risk, liability and costs associated with out-of-date or incomplete policies.

    Lexipol currently offers public safety coverage to more than 3,200 fire and rescue, corrections and law enforcement agencies in 35 states.

    To learn more, visit www.lexipol.com/fire and www.mcneilandcompany.com.

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    Our E-Learning platform is available 24/7 to meet the needs of the student. These online courses are offered free of charge to our insureds. Additional classes are being developed on a regular basis, so check back often to see new opportunities.
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    We offer some of the most comprehensive insurance coverages in the industry. Let us propose a customized insurance package for your organization.
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    67 Main St
    Cortland, NY13045