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      Address:  67 Main St
      PO Box 5670
      Cortland, NY 13045
      Phone:  800.822.3747
      Fax:607.756.5051 (Underwriting)
      Fax:607.756.5967 (Claims Services)
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      Address:  1331 17th Street
      Suite 810
      Denver, CO 80202
      Phone:  800.822.3747
      Fax:607.756.5051 (Underwriting)
  • Video Marketing in the Insurance Industry

    Print McNeil & Company 12:05 pm

    By: Tim Woitach

    Marketers have been preaching the effectiveness of video for years, but many insurance agencies have thought it too expensive or time consuming. However, with mobile devices and tablets accessible to almost everyone, it has never been easier for an agency to create cost-effective videos that can help supplement their marketing efforts.

    Below are a few types of videos your agency can use and some tips on how to get started:

    “Who We Are” Videos: A brief introductory video on who your agency is and what your agency does. This is a branding video that touches on your values, services, and the markets you write. You can include these on the homepage of your website or use them in introductory emails. Keep the videos brief and informative.

    Testimonials: You can highlight your own customer service or expertise, but prospective customers may still be wary. Having an existing client explain their experience with your agency can be reassuring to someone who has never done business with you. Make sure to keep the video under one minute long and avoid generic, overarching statements. Detailing specifics can offer more insight into the benefits of working with your agency and put a prospect at ease.

    Risk Management Tips: Prospective and current clients will always look for the value-added of working with your agency. Offering risk management videos and resources for your clients to use can be a great way to set yourself apart from the competition.

    Tutorials: The insurance industry can be complicated and confusing. Creating tutorials for your systems and processes can put your clients at ease and help establish you as an expert or thought leader in your field. Make sure to choose topics that are relevant for all of your clients and keep the videos concise and easily consumable.

    Consumer Generated Content: This is an easy way to develop a relationship with your clients while creating relevant content to market your agency. Create contests and offer a prize to the best video of a client stating why they work with your agency. This can work similarly to the testimonial video and show others the relationships you’ve built with your clients.

    With access to a smartphone or tablet, your agency can create captivating videos that help develop relationships with your clients and separate you from the competition.


    You can find more insurance industry articles from IA Magazine here and marketing tips from Forbes here.

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    67 Main St
    Cortland, NY13045